Band saw blades are produced from diffrent materials such M42 to guarantee the highest performances while cutting all kind of materials normally used in mechanic workings. We can be supplied with different toothings according to customer needs.
Our quality standards continue to distinguish the precision bandsaw blades we produce for our partners all over the world. In order to actively maintain this high quality standard. our company has been certified according to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system since 1995.
For cutting all usual types of steel up to a hardness of 45 HRc.

Our solution for:
• Single, layer and bundle cuts
• K-tooth: Sawing solid material
• Robust bandsaw blade with long service life
• Optimal for standard to high-alloyed materials
• Low noise level due to reduced vibrations
Universal heavy duty blade designed for large cross sections also on lower alloyed steel grades.

Our solution for:
• Medium-size to large workpieces
• Thick-walled pipes
• Materials with tensile strength over 1400 N/mm2
• For materials WITHOUT residual stress
• Extended service life
• Lower cutting costs
• Heat resistance and wear resistance
• Fine to very fine cutting surface
• Reduced cutting channel compared to CrNiCut
Tubes, beams and structurals

Our solution for:
• Profiles and beams
• Single, layer and bundle cuts for pipes and beams in
general steel construction and manufacturing industry
• No binding in the cutting channel
• Minimal tooth chipping, extremely long service life
• Vibration resistance
• Optimal surface quality

Multicut (Bimetal Sawblade M42)
For cutting all usual types of steel up to a hardness of 45 HRc.
Probeam(Bimetal Sawblade M42)
Tubes, beams and structurals
Alucut(Bimetal Sawblade M42)
NE Metalle • Non-ferrous metals • Foundry application
Nirocut(Bimetal Sawblade M42)
For cutting high and highest alloyed steels, such as austenitic steels , heat resistant alloys, titanium
DUROCUT MASTER(Bimetal Sawblade PM55)
Universal heavy duty blade designed for large cross sections also on lower alloyed steel grades.
Procut(Bimetal Sawblade M42)
For cutting alloyed steel up to a hardness of 45 HRc.
Powercut I (TCT Bandsaw )
Designed for universal High Performance Cutting specially for tool, stainless and high speed steels
Durocut(Bimetal Sawblade M51)
Universal heavy duty blade designed for large cross sections also on lower alloyed steel grades.
CrNiCut(Bimetal Sawblade M51)
Premium product designed for low vibration cutting of Cr-Ni-Ti-Mo steels grades.
Powercut I Black(TCT Bandsaw)
Designed for universal High Performance Cutting specially for tool, stainless and high speed steels
Powercut III(TCT Bandsaw)
hardened and tempered materials with hardness between 50-65 HRc

Powercut II A/B(TCT Bandsaw)
for non ferrous castings and foundry applications on vertical machinery and all kind of aluminium cutting.
Powercut III Black(TCT Bandsaw)
for hardened and tempered materials with hardness between 50-65 HRc

Swedish Special Steel(Hardback)
Better qualitiy compared with the original Swedish steel quality, therefore suited for universal workshop use.
Original Swedish Carbon steel(Flexback)
Non-ferrous materials, non-alloyed and low alloyed steels as well as plastics and wood.Tooth Types
Band saw blades To obtain optimum cutting ra- tes, tooth pitch and tooth design are of great importance, We offer various tooth pitches to solve your cutting problems.
Type M

This tooth type has ground tooth tips with a chamfered, non-set precutter and two set nishing cutters and is
generally manufactured with a positive rake angle. Its particular tooth
geometry allows economic cutting
of high and highest alloyed steels with bimetal bandsaw blades.
Type N

With a rake angle of 0°, this tooth type is particularly suited for cutting short chipping, low alloyed materials, solids in small and medium cross sections as well as tubes and pro les.
Type K/K+

With a positive rake angle of 10° or 16° (K+), the hook tooth has a large, long-drawn-out chip space. Therefore, it is mostly used for cutting non-ferrous metals, steels with a low content of carbon, Cr-Ni alloys, and primarily bigger cross sections.
Type P

The pro le tooth has a special geometry for a vibration-low cutting of beams, structurals and tubes.
Tooth pitch recommendation Solid Material

Tooth pitch recommendation Tubes and Profiles

a) No clearance between body
back and flange of the wheels.
b) Worn back guides
a) Adjust wheels.
b) Replace back guides.
Body cracks caused by worn
back guides. Leading to the
back edge of the blade
becoming brittle.
Replace back guides.
Worn or incorrectly adjusted
brushes are reducing the life of
the saw blade.
Adjust brushes regularly and
replace when worn.
Incorrect alignment causes
burrs at the band back edge,
followed by microcracks.
Result: Blade breakage.
Adjust wheels. Keep a
clearance between band back
edge and flange of the wheels.
(Recommended clearance:
0.5 to 1.5mm).
The constant rubbing along the
band saw back edge has
induced a brittleness.
Microcracks appear.
RESULT: Blade breakage
Replace back guides.
Too tight or blocked
damping rollers may lead to
rupture of the body.
Reduce the contact
pressure so the rollers can
be rotated with little effort in
passive state. Replace
blocked damping rollers.
Too strongly adjusted or
damaged side guides cause
formation of microcracks and
blade breakage.
Reduce pressure.
Clean side guides.
The tooth gullet is too small.
To much frictional heat is generated.
Result: Heavy wear and cut deviation.
Select a coarser tooth pitch
The tooth gullet is too small.
Chips will overfill the tooth gullet
and lift the blade. When the chip
clears the gullet, the blade will
be forced back into the cutting
channel resulting in a shock load
on the tooth. Leading to tooth
Select a coarser tooth pitch
Teeth have no guide in the
cutting channel. Resulting in
high tooth loads at the cutting
point. Result: Fractures and
breakages as well as
microcracks in the tooth gullet.
Use finer tooth pitch.